March 7, 2020

Vishal Tiwari

Attain Global Mentors: Elevating Skills Daily

The world has changed: Work has gone remote, we’re more connected than ever, and the demand for skilled global talent is soaring. But while this is happening, we all know that not everyone has the same access to guidance and key skills.

Attain has a mission to work with its talent through the Attain Global Mentors Program, in which mentors and mentees connect and grow professional skills which help talent reach their full potential.

Attain Global Mentors Program

Attain Global Mentors Program allows talent to have the chance to receive and also extend their knowledge and create a circle of learning. By signing up to be a part of the program, mentors commit to connect with mentees for at least one hour, every week for six months, to help answer questions and teach him new skills.

The Mentor-Mentee Relationship

The Mentorship program has been going on for 6 months and both mentors and mentees have found it be extremely enjoyable and rewarding. Mentors are senior level industry experts who discuss their own journey, experiences, and help mentees develop their plans for the future. Both benefit from helping each other understand things better, be it technical or cultural.

Tips for Impactful Mentorship

For mentors and mentees who are getting started with the Attain Global Mentors program, here are some tips and best practices for connecting and working together.

1.     Establishing measures of success

Mentors and mentees work together to develop a specific goal that is SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This is then translated into key performance indicators (KPIs) and are assessed regularly to make the most of the mentorship program.

2.   Weekly meetings

Weekly video meetings are scheduled and include ice breakers, career reviews, skills mapping, and other activities. Our mentors bring a myriad of experiences at US startups, venture capital firms, and successful exits at high growth companies and work with mentees on a regular basis to help them learn and grow.

3.   Virtual Happy Hours & Group Discussions

Join virtual happy hours where we focus on a topic selected by mentees. Past sessions have included career development, goal setting, skills development, challenges in the workplace (giving feedback, requested assignments, teamwork), and networking.

By participating in the Attain Global Mentors program and having a dedicated mentor to help them along their journey, mentees have the opportunity to continue to grow their careers and gain valuable help along the way.

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